Fortifications can be of natural, non-human, human, or hybrid origin. They can be well planned or haphazard. Under the roof or behind the rampart, we can gather to discuss the most urgent questions before the future.
This year’s Pavilion of Ukraine is such a protective structure. Ukraine has not been present at the Biennale Architettura for a long time. Now it reappears in a pivotal moment, to tell its stories and to establish closer contact between different communities. In the spirit of Lesley Lokko’s introduction on the shift from texhibition as astory to the conditions of its creation, production, and representation, we would like to shape some intense and focused processes during the Biennale, which will themselves unfold as new stories. Over thirty participants from the fields of architecture, art, sociology, ecology, politics and anthropology have joined this year’s pavilion program to collaborate in five temporary collectives and make statements focusing on topics related to the central theme of this year’s Biennale.
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